About Us
We are a family-owned Canadian company focused on natural sustainability, wellness, and beauty products with the intent to enrich everyday lives.
"Voi" is the word for Elephant in Vietnamese. Some may argue that elephants don't have great skin, nor are beautiful, but to Titi and Burt, they are that and much more.
The idea of VoiLife Wellness began as an idea in Vietnam where Titi and Burt met. Titi had a passion and love for beauty care and practiced it daily since her teen years. Over time, she noticed there were many chemicals and synthetic ingredients in the beauty and skin care products. Without understanding the intentions of these unknown ingredients, Titi started using natural ingredients to protect and maintain her skin. A tropical country like Vietnam offered may natural ingredients and she eventually found similar results when compared with the name brands.
We believe in using natural ingredients to improve, maintain, or enhance a beautiful and healthy lifestyle with sustainable solutions.
Never in Vietnam did Titi envision to surround her passion with a business. That's where Burt came in to help show the opportunities, especially in a dry environment like the Canadian prairies. So started the concept of the business, but a name was needed.
We believe there is always a solution to every problem and our efforts focus continuously on this philosophy.
In many discussions about life and future plans, Titi and Burt made a Bucketlist. Titi loves all animals and occasionally, elephants came into the discussion. The suggested facts that elephants have excellent memories and long life spans were interesting and always stayed active in their minds. They decided to make a future plan to visit a baby elephant and make a lasting impression with the baby. They would intend to follow the elephant's life in any way possible and 20 some years later, visit the elephant again to relive the memory. To test the theory of an elephant's memory from a personal level.
Now VoiLife is operating in Canada, building upon Titi's passion and love for beauty care to develop natural products with a purpose. To integrate sustainability with self-care and help expose everyone's health and beauty.